
Whether you’re looking for a perfect gift or a stunning addition to your home decor, our canvas photo prints are guaranteed to delight. Put your unforgettable moments on the wall with a high-quality, personal canvas! Canvas prints are not only perfect at home, but also when decorating your office they are an amazing addition.

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Whether you’re looking for a perfect gift or a stunning addition to your home decor, our canvas photo prints are guaranteed to delight. Put your unforgettable moments on the wall with a high-quality, personal canvas! Canvas prints are not only perfect at home, but also when decorating your office they are an amazing addition.

To make a canvas, we recommend high quality photos with centered subjects, high resolutions, and bright backgrounds. Images from your smartphone or social media are acceptable for small canvas prints, while higher-resolution photos, such as those from digital cameras, are perfect for larger canvas prints. Of course this also depends on the camera quality.

We guarantee 100% satisfaction with your canvas prints. Our prints are professionally finished by our experienced framer.

Additional information


Minimal A4, Maximum width: 130 cm

Frame Thickness

3,5 cm


3 days


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Good to Know

Accepted Files

We accept the following file formats: TIF – JPG – PDF – EPS – PSD. We accept CorelDraw or similar files by converting them to industry standard graphic formats like JPG, TIF or PDF.

RGB Color Mode

We require that you deliver your files in RGB color mode. When you are creating your files, be sure to check the color mode as not every program uses RGB color by default.

What is Font Outlining?

We might not have the same fonts on our systems as your computer, so when saving your files in a vector based program (Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDraw) please outline your fonts.

What is Bleed?

Always add bleed to your files for cutting differences in production.

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